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We are a 'work-in-progress' Christian Community that >>

keeps God in the centre,
is not afraid,
always takes action,
is relevant,
is about togetherness,
is an inclusive and safe space,
has children and young people involved in all aspects of its life.

Silverdale Methodist Church seeks to be a people of worship, prayer, love and friendship, through which we will grow in God and serve the community.

We continue to re-imagine church for such a time as this to ensure that we remain as the church without walls that we believe God has called us to be – both active in, and engaging with, our Community, the place where God has called us to serve, the village of Silverdale.

We have reached the stage of having several different styles of Worship Experiences, delivering "something for everyone" at various times of the week & month.
We pray that it is somewhere where everyone will find a welcome, and will be comfortable according to their needs.
We are blessed with internet access, and excellent Audio Visual technology that has helped to enhance greatly not only our experiences of our Worship but also the Church as a whole.

Please see the 'Sundays @ Silverdale' poster in the 'Activities' section for a description of what happens on, and the format of, any given Sunday – and then check the 'Calendar' for final confirmation of who is actually preaching!

We really do have an array of activities to suit all ages, so please be sure to check everything out, and feel free to ask us if you have any questions!

What we believe...

  • We believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that God, who is sovereign, created everything there is as an expression of love. We believe that humanity is the crown of all creation, which comes with a responsibility to care for each other, the rest of creation and make good use of the world's resources.
  • We believe that God created all things perfectly, and that in His perfect wisdom God gave human beings the freewill to choose to do what they willed. We believe that human beings used their freewill to disobey God (sin) and therefore ruined our perfect relationship with God, with each other and with the world.
  • We believe that God did not abandon us even though He did banish us. Rather, we believe that God sent many messengers to invite us back into relationship with Him through the confession of our sins and a return to following His perfect will (as an act of our freewill). We believe that He forgives our sins.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was fully God and fully human. We believe that He came into the world as a light in the darkness to cancel the debt of sin and break the power of death. We believe that He did this by dying on the cross as the perfect sacrifice, freely given and available to all who believe in Jesus as Lord. We believe that we are saved by faith alone and not by works.
  • We believe that His resurrection is the proof that sin and death are defeated, and that all who believe in Jesus as Lord will be forgiven and become children of God. We believe that one day Jesus will return to bring us to live with Him in our new and perfected relationship.
  • We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God which teaches us how to live and serve God in all that we do. We believe that being a Christian is not about merely attending Church but about everything that we say and do and think. We believe that being a Christian is life-changing in every aspect.
  • We believe that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as our Counsellor and Guide to help us live and witness for God so that others might believe that Jesus is Lord. We believe that the Church is the people and not the buildings. We believe that the local church is the hope of the world.
  • We believe that we have a mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in what we say and also what we do. We believe that we were formed as a Methodist people, alongside other Christians, to witness to the love of God within the village of Silverdale, and our wider community of Newcastle-under-Lyme.

Get In Touch

Rev. Liz Singleton

Children & Families Worker
Jayne Leighton

Senior Steward
John Glover

© 2025 – Silverdale Methodist Church